Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sneak Peek at Living Room Re-Do

If you are in need of something that's going to make you smile, then I have found the blog for you. Hop over and check out Mila's Daydreams .... you will not be sorry!

Living Room redo is still in progress and probably will be for a little while longer. But I have to say, we luuuv the new color. Such a huge leap from what was here before. It was definately time for a change. Being the novice blogger that I am, I forgot to take before pics so you'll have to look behind us in the photo above to see what the bookcase wall looked like before I got started.
Joining the party over at Under the Table and Dreaming.


  1. amazing wall decoratings. I loved these shelves, these are very inspired. Sarah James Decorating Ideas

  2. Love your jewelry designs

  3. The room re-do is great! I really like the white paint and wood together. The shelves are gorgeous!

  4. Cute living room re-do~ Did you paint the chest in front of the window?
